Tuesday 17 September 2013

A significant movement in art - Gothic.

Gothic Art –

This was a style of are that was developed in France out of from the Romanesque art, that refers to Roman architecture which is mostly known for its round headed arches, barrel vaults, apses and acanthus-leaf decoration.
Gothic art spread to all of Western Europe. In the late 14th century the sophisticated court style of ‘International Gothic’ developed and continued to evolve in many areas, especially Germany.

Late Gothic art continued into the 16th century before being transitioned into the Renaissance art.  

Gothic art was used in a lot of buildings from mid-12th century to the late 16th century. They were mainly churches and large buildings for those who could afford such luxury.
Gothic was important in introducing stain glass windows to the churches, this made them more amazing and overwhelming to those who visited the churches, it was to represent the grandeur of God and his house.
Christian art was often seen as an influence to the Gothic art move, this is why it was mainly based in churches, abbeys and cathedrals. 
Gothic art is very religion based since its origin was from that of an abbey in France and was first brought to the foreground by the architect Abbot Suger.
Gothic art is mainly known for its enormous and very detailed architecture.

During the medieval period many churches of this type were built.

This art impresses me not so much for the context but for the fact that during their time they were able to build these master pieces.
They had little tools and know how; I would imagine that it would still, now, be a great feat to be able to build something that looked like that.
The amount of sheer planning and thought that must have went into creating these buildings and them still to be standing today is astounding!  
Stain glass windows was another of the great things about the Gothic art movement and how big and colourful they were, slowly the windows became less about the religious value and more about the status of the church/abbey/cathedral. Through the progression of Gothic architecture showed the advance in enlarging windows, this was not to make the churches less dark and foreboding, it was to give a bigger area in which stained glass could be placed. The stained glass was usually bright and vibrant, showing their status and how good a quality there building is.

I appreciate Gothic art for its intricate details and how much effort they put into the buildings, because it wasn't just inside that was decorated they also did the outside with giant creatures hanging off them called 'gargoyles'.

This is what a cathedral made of Gothic architecture could look like.

This is a Gargoyle that is perched on top of some Gothic building.

The only thing that I don't really like about the Gothic arts is how dark and creepy they seem to be. However i imagine a lot of it came through the middle age conflicts of death, like the plague.

This is the significant movement I chose because i find that it must have took a lot of man power and skill that must have been slim due to death and illness that they were still able to build these beautiful places that are still standing today and that these pieces of art are still inspiring people to this day into doing there own art is a wonderful thing.

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