Tuesday 10 September 2013

Rogue and the contextual influences used for the Deadpool game.


The Rogue that I am going to be trying to find out where the influence came from is the rogue from the 2013 game Deadpool and seeing what style it is more closely related to.
Profile view

Another Profile view

Game play with Rogue in it.

Rogue is a character that was introduced to the world of the x-men in the 1970's and illustrated by the artist David Cockrum.

This is the first style of the character Rogue and this is how she was drawn in the comics during the 70's and on-wards.

There a few variations of the character Rogue in both animation and the comics.

Rogue in the early comics
This is one of the first comics that included rogue and this is an image with her an Carol Danvers (Miss Marvel)

This is Rogue with less bushy and wild hair and this is her depicted in some of the more recent comics.

This is more of a close up of her in the came style as the one above and in a different position. 
In the comics its iconic of the character Rogue to wear green and yellow accompanied by a leather jacket.

This is rogue in the animated series of The X-Men

This is Rogue in the cartoon series X-Men Evolution.
This is a really Gothic version of this character, however at the heart of the character here it is easy to see that they have kept the main points of her nature.

This is Rogue form the cartoon Wolverine and the X-Men.
This Rogue has a different life story to the other rogues however this is still the same rogue deep down.

As you can see these three cartoons have the basic fundamentals of the character Rogue in the image, they both have the iconic white hair at the front and they are both completely covered except from the face.

Rogue from the X-Men Movies.
This is the most unrealistic Rogue I believe to exist. This Rogue, while doing there own version on how she obtained the white stripe in her hair, they also completely destroyed her personality and everything that she stood for.

This is the Rogue, that to me, most closely resembles the Rogue that is in the Deadpool game. 

As you can see the pony tail that is also used in the game on her.

Another view on the pony tail, side view.
The costume that she is wearing is suite similar to the one in the game except for the scarf. 
Also their personality and temperament is pretty much the same as well.

I think that this is the style that most closely matches that of the Rogue that was created for the Deadpool game and that they are pretty much the same in the way in which they look other then slight variations in colour in the suit and the partitioning in the hair in the game rather than the full fringe that is featured two pictures up.   

There are a lot of artist that work on the character Rogue even before she was introduced in the X-men comics.

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