Wednesday 2 October 2013

Primary and Secondary Sources.

Primary and Secondary sources

Primary Sources

Primary Sources are images or materials that are originals. Taking pictures of yourself, people you know or places that people go is classed as primary because you had first-hand experience with the subjects of the photos.

For bigger corporations it is easier for them to get a hold of primary source because they most likely have a department within the company that deals with going out and ordering in those kinds of sources.

Primary sources are better to get because you can take pictures or gather the information that you want rather relying on what other people have collected that might only be slightly relevant to what you want.

A negative to primary sources is trying to get things from far away, making it more difficult to collect. This is why big companies find it easier to gather than those in a smaller company would.  

 (Secondary source)

The Taj Mahal.
Trying to get an image for this would be difficult for most people outside of India and also some people within India. So getting a picture of this would be harder due to the distance. This is where you will have to sacrifice on detail because you can only get the images that are easy for you to obtain because in a case like this primary source would be hard to gain.

Taking primary sources shows what it is that you are making and also your input into what you are trying to achieve. Primary images entails that you are the one to take them and that they are your own.  

Secondary Sources

Secondary Sources are usually used for inspiration or getting images or materials that are not easily accessible or things that you cannot get because precautions are in place so that pictures cannot be taken of the objects. This happens in places like the National Art Gallery in London. They make sure to remind you not to take pictures because the flash on the camera sometimes damages the images.

Secondary sources are much easier to come by. Secondary sources are at everyone’s finger tips. They can be found in a number of places. The main one that everybody goes to would be the internet. The internet is an abundance of information and pictures that can be helpful to an individual. This might not be true to all because the direction or angle may not be right for the person wanting the image.

A negative for Secondary sources would be the details.
(Secondary source)

Say if you were to want an image of Big Ben and this was the only type of image that you could find. However this is not the angle that you wanted it from.

 (Secondary source)

Even though this is a secondary source imagine if this was the angle that you wanted the building of, but it was not on the internet, in book or you could not get it from someone else that you know, that would make it hard to get the image that you want, this is where secondary sources fail in a way that primary sources do not, making it easier to get the details the way that you would like them.

Primary and Secondary sources are important to companies, because they allow them to see whats already out there. To see whats already been done so that they can do it better.
This way they can collect a wide range of material to use within there own projects to make it the best that it can be. 

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