Sunday 6 October 2013

Weapon - Naginata - Japanese Sword - Sci-fi Concept.

 Concepts for the Naginata Sci-fi weapon -

This is the first colour concept of the weapon that I am going to create.

These are the different other colour concepts that I have come up with for this Weapon.

I have chosen to go with the black and yellow because this is how i imagine a lot of sci-fi weaponry will look in the future.

This is basically a step by step show of how I created the 3/4 view of my Naginata gun.

This is an initial sketch that I made of my Naginata weapon.

I started in the bottom left and drew a straight line to the top right. This is the basic shape of the weapon. I then used a brown to bulk out the image putting in a bit more detail. After that I used red to put in the little details and also the bend that is at the top of the rod.

I then got the black and went over the image making it more defined and at the end of the weapon I added the design that goes there.

I then went over the rough design in colour with the 'marker' tool, so that I could get a basic idea of what the weapon will look like when it is finished, as you can see this is in the home style that was the original option of what I was going to colour in this weapon. This is just a base colour that I did do that I could get an idea of what it will look like when it is finally coloured.  

After that i made a new layer, and faded out all the other layers so that I could only see them faintly. Then i got the line tool and had it on the smallest setting '0.7' and I then outlined the design making sure that all the lines are connected so that later I can colour it in easier.
As you can see there are some adjustments that have been made, this is because it looks more ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing with these changes.

For this the 'magic wand' tool is used to select different bits from the line layer and then coloured in on the new layer that I created.
This is a simple and quick way to colour in separate areas without going outside the lines. These are just blank base colours that are being put down at this time, they will be worked on so that they do not look so flat at the end.
As one can see I have now coloued it in with the black and yellow colour scheme. This makes the design stand out more and also draws the eye to different elements of the weapon.

I added a new layer so that highlights could be added to the image. To do this the 'pencil' and 'blur' tools were used. I made sure that the highlights were mostly focused on the edges of the weapon, because that is where the light would catch. On the orbs the highlights are dots that get faded out on the edges on the light focus point.

In this image the 'marker' tool to add in the shade on this image, you can see the difference between this one and the image above that has no shade.
This is the final image of the creation of my 3/4 view of the Naginata.

This is an annotated version of the 3/4 view of the Naginata. 

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