Sunday 27 October 2013

Research into different types of Sci-fi

My mood boards for Sci-fi.


This is the idea that areas of earth are to be over run by foliage in the future and that different ways have been created to survive in these habitats.
The image at the top is a picture that I found on Google looking for sci-fi forests. This is an image that has a building in the centre and the building is obviously being over run by flora. Also in this image you can see that it looks like there are massive birds flying around the building.
The second image is that from the film ‘Jumanji’. It has a scene where in the movie the set gets over run with vegetation.
The third picture is that of the cretaceous period, this was created by someone else, but this is the impression I get when I think of alien planets that are dominated by foliage.
The fourth one is that of a film called ‘After Earth’, this is an alternate reality where there are no humans left on Earth and that all life on earth has evolved to protect itself from humans.
The fifth image is that of tall buildings with vines and moss like organisms encasing the buildings.
The one on the very bottom is that from the series ‘Revolution’ and this scene is of London and this is what Earth would look like if the electricity.
Greens and blues are widely utilised in the making of forest based Sci-fi, but also are yellows and cooler colours. These give the desired effect when trying to make a scene that has a lot of leaves and wood.


Steampunk is an amalgamation of biological and machine that is usually powered by steam.
The cogs and the working of the machines is what makes me interested in steampunk.
All the little mechanisms together really appeal to in the fact that I like to know the inside workings of machines.
Looking at these images you can see a definite similarity between them all. These are all machines that are all made in the same fundamental way.
Cogs are a big part of the making of steampunk. This is made in the fashion of the old style machines and they have come back because powering machines by steam has become more main stream.
Steam punk also drifts into the fashion and Victorian era styles.
The images show a lot of intricate work involved with the style of steampunk. 
This genre of Sci-fi is also very yellow based in its colours. They go down in the brown hue when getting darker and metal is usually coloured bronze or a copper. This is a very limited colour palate but it does give a good effect when creating old style machines and scenery.


As you can see form the colours used the weapons/machines are coloured in a neon-like colour that make them stand out against their usually boring and dank backgrounds.
This makes it so that the eye is trained on the weapons/machines because usually during a game, movie or a book, it shows that these are important.
Cyber is usually angular instead of soft edges like most other Sci-fi.
This is mostly known for the low quality of life people are usually living in but also the high quality technology that is there.
This is about the boom in technology, so designers take what technology we have now and exaggerate it, by making everything that we own basically super powered, take for example glasses, in cyber punk, they aren't just used for being able to see anymore. They are used like small mini computers and they can be used for a multitude of situations like, hacking, searching, downloading and other things that basically super computers can do.

This next section is also a mood board, but it is not connected directly to sci-fi - this is what is going to influence the sci-fi asset, gun, I shall be creating.  

Gun/Sword Mood board.


When thinking of creating a gun, I wanted it to not look like the conventional over powered guns that are usually seen within sci-fi.
So when thinking about it I thought why not use a sword as the base of the design of one of the concepts.
So this is why for the gun ideas there are actual guns and also swords.
When looking into guns, I also thought about their shape and that made me think of power tools and also some kids toys.
Looking into guns I selected some of the weirdest looking ones that I could find. I did this because when thinking about sci-fi, I don't automatically think of the normal.
So there is one on the mood board that looks a bit like a wand. This is closer to what I want to make than the standard gun shape.
On the Nerf gun I like the design of the trigger, it looks to be more of a button and a bent piece of metal.
Looking at the swords, you can see that there is a definite type that I like, the most prominent is probably the long staffs on the swords, my favourite is the Naginata.
When looking at guns, you can see that there is a a large variant in colours when looking at the guns but when looking at the swords there is a very basic look of mainly silver and black, but i want my weapon to be more striking so I think that I will be leaning more towards the guns style of colouring rather then the classics of the swords.

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