Monday 8 December 2014

Blizzard Contest - Research

Blizzards World of Warcraft Competition

Audience of World of Warcraft

For this project we are looking more into the audience behind the product, and see what it is that they would like the character to be I will be looking at what the company wants and also what players would like. So I am going to be asking some World of Warcraft gamers, what they would like to see in a new character.

Looking for inspiration for the character creation for this competition, WoW took some inspiration from the game Dungeons and Dragons with all there monsters and character creation.
Dungeons and Dragons is an imagination based game and there is really nothing that actually visualizes the environment other than the descriptions given, so a lot of art for the game that was found was fan based, so other people drawing there impersonations of what the game would look like.

The art that people make for this game is largely gritty, shying away from perfect beauty. This is something that helps me visualize the type of world that Dungeons and Dragons is.
This is were I see it differentiate from World of Warcraft because even though they have the gritty characters, the art is totally different. The art for this game is very saturated. The colours and design of this game is very clean. It does not seem to be at all influenced by the look of real world objects that are packed with detail.

Lots of the races within these games are seen to have there own outfit theme.
Elf/Drow Gothic
Pandas Chinese
Dwarfs Medieval
Orcs Welded and forded

Within World of Warcraft there are a number of races, and also areas that the characters could be in. So this is also a thinking point that I should go more in depth about. There areas like forest, underwater islands, temples, highlands, lava planes and also many more, so for whatever character I create I should think of linking it to one of these, so that the character is more integrated with its surroundings and looks like it should be there.

Another thing that I have noticed about some of the npc's is that a lot of them have some sort of weapon and Armour, this is so that it is believable that they would also be able to survive within this game, or that they are completely eccentric characters.

When designing my character I am going to try and keep inside of the norm of World of Warcraft, I think that this would make my character more interesting due to the fact that the would be more integrated within in the existing story arc of the game.

These are some of the characters and creatures within the game, as you can see they have slightly different styles to one another, this is something that I would also look into, to see what kind of themes go with the races, the the elves and drow being dressed up in slightly more Gothic clothing.

For my character I want something that would bring some new content to the game, in the way of a secret mission or task.
So I want someone that would link to there surroundings and does not look out a place. For the creation of my character I am going for the look of someone that would fit within the environment of The Pig and Whistle Tavern.

gods, symbols - lore

One of the things I wanted was something to give the character substance, and something that was distinctly them, this is why I thought of mythology and what comes with that. These people are talked about and also recognized fairly quickly when talking to people of particular crowds.
I wanted this character to be synonymous with mystery and danger. I wanted someone who would be unknowingly dangerous to the wrong people.

For my character I would look to place it within a temple I changed this from the earlier placement since I wanted the character to be a little more exotic, that was dedicated to warrior like gods.
My character is taking the look of a Greek warrior. This would be an NPC within the game, someone who would show up to teach those who seek destructive powers. This is a character based of the Greek goddess Enyo, goddess of Destructive War.

The shape I am giving this character is that of a human female. This sounds a bit bare, but with the time that I have for completing this project I did not want to make it impossible for the time frame by making it difficult.

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