Friday 12 December 2014

Blizzard Contest - Concepting&Making

Concepting Ideas:

For begining ideas I was thinking about what type of creature to make for the WoW project. I looked into creatures and NPC's that already exist within the world. I looked into making some similar characters and some other more outlandish characters.
I made some little critters and some hulking giants.

As can be seen from the image below I shilouetted some quick characters so that I would know what kind of character I would like to begin with.

The characters were then gone over with line so that there was some more difining detail about the character.

The idea that I went with was that of the human type character, and that they would be an NPC rather than a roming character.
Linked with the research I looked into some Greek Mythology and the gods and goddesses. I wanted someone that would be powerful, but would also be different.
I wanted a warrior that the players could talk to and get a mission from.

For idea generation I looked at the goddess Enyo. This is the goddess of war. This is someone who some people might not know about. I took an image that someone drew as a representaion of her and then adapted that idea further expanding on what it could of been that this character would of worn.

In the image below you can see a number of quick concepts of ideas that I had for the characters costume and hair and sheild. I asked a couple of people that I knew and played the game world of warcraft, which of these designs where there favourites, I did this quickly because I wanted to be able to get on with the more indepth concepting of the NPC for the short amount of time that I have to create this character.

I took the three most liked and then drew them out again but this time in more detail. This was because I wanted to see more of what this character could be and whether it fit the image of a warrior.
Again using there opinions I was what it was about these characters that drew them in gaining more character specific feedback of the audience.

Then using this information I made this character that is a mix of these characters, trying to meld them together while still keeping them simple so that they will fit the astectic of World of War Craft.


After this I coloured in the final concept and this is what I ended up with. Using the internet I then got some colour reference for the colours palettes that WoW would use.

After this I then made some ortho grapics for my character.
As you can see I have a front back and side of the characer.

In the image above you can see there is a difference between the character. The hair and cape of the character have been shortened so that it would be easier to manage during a battle. Due to the fact that she as been designed as a Spartan like charatcer.

For this character I also created a piece of art posing the character charging. This was so that the character was put in motion and it would make the character look alive.

After this I looked for reference regaurding the female human within WoW, because I wanted to know the proportions of the character. Taking this into maya I then made a low poly character mesh of just the body.

I then modeled some armour and also started the cape of the character.

1024/1024 - Hand Painted Texture.

 UV's over the painted texture.

Specular Map

Normals Map

Ambient Occlusion Map

Rendered Sceen of World of Warcraft character.

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