Friday 16 January 2015

Blizzard Contest - Created Character and Audience Feedback

Render of Character:

Feedback from World of Warcraft Audience:

This is a screen shot of me posting the images and render of my model onto a 3D online forum for people to critique and give feed back about my work.

Some feed back that I have had:

''The normal mapping should be baked from a high resolution model and then applied to the low resolution model. Doing it from the painted texture is an older method to use.'' Robert

"I think the character looks good and that it would fit within the Warcraft world" Kristian

"Personally I think the model looks good, but I feel as though it is too blocky and sharp in areas.." Elizabeth

"Lighting within the scene should of been more mid range, rather than really dark and really bright. However it also gives it a very unique look in a way" Sarah

"Colours on the model are well linked and blend nicely together to give it a good unified look." Patrick

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